Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Nabit se ga!

So this post will be Ibiza'esque seeing that pictures are the best way to remember. Because we did so much that is...

So after leaving the Austrians.. and missing my initial goal train at 730am... Thomas woke me up at 720 saying, "Um... didn't you have a train" Oops. It wouldn't be the last time that this happened on my Europtrip. I had to actually make a complicated connection in Salzburg. BUT after a few hours of delays, I was bound to Zagreb, the capital of CROATIA! It was a reallyyy long day of traveling. I was initially suppose to arrive at 1330... but since I had to kind of side step, I didn't arrive until like 19 or something. However, the train ride there was soooo beautiful. Countryside, mountains, little houses.
I spent the night at a hostel in Zagreb but nothing exciting there. The next day I was off to Rijeka in order to take a ferry type mode of transportation to the island Pag. I was for some reason under the impression I had to be at Rijeka before 15. Turns out the ferry thing didn't leave until 17... So unfortunately I wasn't able to spend anytime in Zagreb but I did walk around Rijeka a bit.

Finally I boarded my ferry after a few very cheap coffees (but SO good). There were these three German guy son the boat that were soooo drunk and loud and annoying the bartender. I had a feelining they were headed to the same place I was.

Hi, my name is Zapo 
When I got there, this is what I was greeted by. I was searching for Neva or one of the guys I already knew but she decided to send Zapo (real name Jan) with my name on a piece of cardboard. Neva loves this kind of stuff.

Hmm I should probably introduce the main characters in my 5 day excursion in Zrce and then the following three days in Slovenia.

So there is of course Neva. One of my bestesttt friends from my Erasmus. YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU seeing I spent an entire week of my 3 week ventures with you and your friends <3
 Vid/Majkus. He's like a puppy that can eat copious amounts. Matej/Jamnik, my slovenian boyfriend. Always has something spilled on his shirt. 
Vid hereee
Wuddup Matej
And finally Ziga (has a baby u over the Z to make the J sound--slovenian is weird). He was my Slovenian professor teaching me all the necessary terms and phrases for the beautiful language. I know not how to spell so we will be spelling it phonetically. Nabit se ga! (let's get wasted) Shangus spirmo pa gremo (one more drink, then we go) Gremo! (let's go) Na-ix (bottoms up)

Oh and around his waist is, Božo, the mascot for the week. 

Jure was also in our company. Poor guy was sick for two days from the sun. This pictures is not from being sick though, I'm not that cruel. The last night I was out the longest and came back and took pictures of everyone passed out :)

So ALL together! Shitty quality but you get the idea. This was taken the following wednesday. More on that later.

So like I said. This will be best explained with pictures. We were there for a 5 day beach festival out of this beach club called Papaya. Basically, by night we would pregame listening to a combination of House and traditional slovenian music (don't worry--I know have the 82 song playlist on my IPod) and the girls would hitchhike to Papya. Literallyyy would dance until the sun was up, come back either by hitchhiking or bus around 7 or 8 then sleep until noon. There were two of the nights that I needed a break... so I would go to the beach, buy some fries or a piece of pizza and try to avoid the people hooking up all around me and watch the drunk bungee jumpers. Then we would wake up at noon, eat somethinggg and around 3 or 4 head back to the beach, always with drinks in hand.

Note: upside down corresponds to liquid consumption.

Night 1

break. burying myself... rock beach so this will do..

making friends?

gets less normal as you go right..

the sun has rosen!!!!
Day 2
headed to the beach beach beach


notice they have the same bathing suit... annual tradition apparently

Neva made the mistake of leaving me on the beach with boys... shangus spirmo pa gremo...


Night 2

everyone got to play with the giraffe

glasses were a success.
Day 3
Believe it or not I was like one of the only people that enjoyed a nice beer. I couldn´t go into the Neva bottle (fanta vodka) when still recovering from the night before. But the guys here even stay away from beer when drinking for a "purpose." Strange cultural difference.

P.S. the background of the beach is unreallll. Mountains and blue skies. The mountains are actually part of Croatia main island. The sandy rock part is like the other side of the bay of the island Pag.
and we bought the hats. great choice.
pure joy

These pool parties during the day were like TV. Awesomeee music. a pool. people just being ridiculous.... ahhh why can´t we have things like this in the united states that isn´tttt super trashy??

rocks in boobs for protection. Zapo has a huge tongue
we tried to hide from him..

the nice Italians that gave us a ride
Night 4

Neva left me with the boys while she went to the girls apartment supposively to tell them where we lived to have a preparty at our apartment. "Don´t get her too drunk!" I wasn´t in too many pictures this night. Apparently later at Papaya, Neva gave me to Jamnik and told him to watch me. He immediately takes me to the bar for a beer. Best bf everrr haha

only moments ago I was taking a power nap against this car´s tire...

Day 5

Night 5

Our last night! And everyone else had left except us. There was a special concert tonight that you had to buy tickets for in advance..however it was raining and we were all teetering whether to go out or not, slash I was sliently hoping we´d stay in. But noooope, rain gear on and off we went! Ended up being the BEST night. We are just so stupid.

Zige taught me the Chelsea (soccer) song that we were BELTING and then this childs rhyme about hopping bunnies.

my goal was to keep up with umbrella the whole night

lost it....

i blame the level of my upside downess.

we all were pretty upside down...

he was wearing a skirt of bags for about 2 hours
i don´t know..

the actual concert that was paid for. we ended up being at a differnt club the whole time.

cutest award goes to...

Then we found a play set...

"let´s go two at a time!" then skins his arm..

poor people (not our friends)

notice Zige

I came in latest of them all and decided to blast some Shakira and take pictures of the sleeping individuals... wasn´t looked upon with favor...

Next morning, slash a few hours later, I don´t even think I opened my eyes but we had to leave by like 9 and get our shit together and outtt the door.
all riding the struggle bus.

Zrce, definitely not the last time you see me.