Sunday, February 19, 2012

"Meet at the bus at 7am!",.

OH this weekend has been ridiculous. I honestly think I have taken off like 2 years of my life because of my decisions and lack of sleep?

So I FINALLY have my classes in order! Well except 1 out of 4. So I am 75% a student... And I have such a ballin schedule. No class Monday, and only a lab class on Friday morning.

I am taking Molecular Bio and so we have the lab Fridays at 9am. Gotta be responsible Thursday nights because playing with bacteria strains and centrifuges may get tricky. I am such a nerd and actually really enjoyed the lab.. It's like what I studied all last semester in biochem. WIN I have altered bacteria DNA by digestion of the enzyme BAMII to insert a vector and will test if was successful by reading the gel we ran.... Shout out to my biochem study group :)

ANYWAYS so the class I am taking, well at least the lab portion (I don´t go to lecture because it is at the same time as my statistics class) is a masters course. I am reallly confused as to how I am allowed to take it because UPV is literally retarded when it comes to letting the international students sign up for classes that aren´t in their school and shit. I will get into all that another time, I am still struggling to get into one more course (yes it´s the third week, I don´t want to talk about it..)

Since it is a masters course, I was the baby of the class. Everyone was at least 23. I am getting use to this... I wasn´t able to go to lab last week because, well becaaause (hehe justina), I didn´t even know we had it. Through my determination I was able to find out we had labs Fridays... So I worked with these two other students, one of which was a Spanish student and the other an Erasmus student who also had not gone to lab the previous week. So guess what? I made a new friend! Her name is Catarina, she´s 23, and she is from Portugal. I have this weird liking for the Portugese accent... We got to chatting and then after class I met her friend Luiza, from Brazil. The girls I normally hang out with went on an Erasmus organized trip to series of cities. I was suppose to go but the deadline to pay for the trip was while I was still in northern spain.. Oh well. But anyways, I invited them to come eat dinner with us at Mats apartment. We were gonna be cooking so fancy! Mussels, french fries, bread, wine, nomnomnom. Oh and brownies.. :)
 I just want to say, I have learned to cook SO much while here. Not having Miss Mattie´s food has required some adaptation but I have actually started enjoying cooking. Probably because we always cook in a large group so even the cooking part is like really fun.

Mats: "I always get drunk when I cook... I just am drinking wine all the time"
 P.S. If you haven´t watched the youtube video about the Uganda politician ranting about homosexuals "eating da pupu" then you should go ahead and look that up now. Half of our inside jokes revolve around that... So you can just imagine the jokes when licking the brownie pot and then eating it after etc.

Useful: So it was Luiza´s birthday! Guess what she got to use to blow out her candles! Also, writing with whipped cream is a lot harder than you would think..

Anyways after another hour or two of drinking games and talking and dancing, we went to this club near the center (we had to take cabs, I was so confused) called Mya. Really fun. Haha you know you had a good night when you don´t get out of bed the next day until almost 4pm.

Yeah so I did NOTHING productive the following day. Woke up, ate, caught up on Modern Family, got back in bed.. I wasn´t hung over or anything, just SOOOO tired. But earlier that week Pelle, Mats, and I decided that we were going to go celebrate Carnaval somewhere seeing that our friends were off in Cadiz or some shit. So we signed up to go to Pego! Which is, ironically, half an hour after Gandia. So we found our way back to Gandia on the 20 11 bus (I literally have no idea how I made it seeing I didn´t get out of bed for the second time until 19 35). We were all still veryyyy tired from the night before but Pelle and Mats went to go buy costumes.. looking solid.

To give you some time reference, we arrived to Gandia before 930 then went to this tapas place until 11pm and then dragged our ass to Gandia campus. When we got there, we had no idea where anyone else was. I was still delirious and was like, HA what if we came to Gandia for nothing?? Nah things were just running late. Normal Spain things. We finally got on the buses around midnight and arrived to this craziness about an hour later. What our coordinator said to us before we got off the bus "Meet back here at 7am! And good luck finding the bus!"
If I had had ANY idea what to expect, I would of at least gotten a legitimate costume. I looooove to dress up but for some reason I had this idea that it was like a cultural celebration and people would be wearing like traditional shit. Nope. This was like Halloween meets Mardi Gras. Just huuundreds of people dressed up and HAMMERED everywhere. Within the first ten minutes of us being there, I saw two fights. Pelle, Mats, and I were like cold stone sober, and this environment, at least to fully enjoy it, that was not an option. They had bars everywhere (outside) and drinks were cheap so that was useful :)

There was this cheer that apparently everyone knew. The only thing I understood of it was "ALCOLLLLL"

I was SO impressed by everyone´s costumes. Like really creative stuff. And apparently dressing up as a different race is sociably acceptable here haha

Note to self: Learn to pop a squat behind a building or hold it for six hours cuz these bathrooms were GROSS.

But I can´t even explain how the environment was. Just like HUNDREDS of dressed up, normally very drunk people just parading around the streets. There were plenty of stages playing live music and several of the plazas throughout the small town, lotsss of bars outside with cheap drinks. Weed was like the natural aroma of the place. And so much dancing! When we first got there, I think all 3 of us were kind of like, shit we are not drunk enough for this... But it ended up being a greatttt night :)

We all know how I like these types of pictures. A huge mob of ridiculous people and behind it all a nice church haha

We somehow found our way back to the bus at 6 30am.. Mats was so smart and sent the location via whatsapp to our FFF group (the group chat we have here) so we were able to find it decently well.

I am pretty sure everyone passed out on the 30 minute drive back to Gandia. Pelle and Mats were like so confused when they woke up. They were both convinced that we like hadn´t left Pego yet... But Mats was all cheery and Pelle like wanted to kill a puppy. Delirium was on my side so I just giggled all morning :)

Luckily we didn´t have to wait very long for any transportations seeing we had to take a bus to the train station, then a train to Valencia, then the metro back to our apartments.

I was happily in bed and showered by 1030am :)

our shoes were a disaster...

everyone on the train looked like this. why else would spanish people be awake before 11am?

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