Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spain´s Oddities

I meant to post this yesterday, but I got distracted by my life.. you know, food, fixing my face, skyping, going out. The normal things.

ANYWAYS. So I have decided Spain is such a strange country...

Things that are socially acceptible slash common:

1. This one is the most bizzare one for me: PDA. Like I'm not talking about a quick peck on the cheek or even a prolonged hug, okay not even like making out. Seriously, everywhere, there are couples ALL over each other. Let's put this more clearly, when I was on the train from the airport to train station the FIRST day I got to Spain (keep in mind its like 10am in the morning) there was this couple sitting across from me... the girl was straddling the guy hooking up with him.
Even at school, I one time saw this couple sitting in the center of campus. No, well actually the guy was laying down and the girl was on all fours over him. There are people walking EVERYWHERE. Not a secluded area but literally the middle of campus.
The beach, same thing, couples like rolling around all over the place. It's so ridiculous I feel uncomfortable like walking past them but people don't even flinch. There are like children running around couples. Weird shit.

2. Small dogs with clothes that often matches their owners. I don't understand why a dog would ever need a scarf. Or a pleather coat with a hood... or shoes... Maybe get a bigger dog? But regardless I am pretty sure dogs don't need clothes...
Oh and a subcategory: Small dogs. Particulary little lap terriers (westies, yorkies) or dogs with squished faces (boston terriers, bulldogs, boxers sometimesss). When I do see a big dog, or not even that big but like, I don't know, 40 pounds or more, I legitimately get excited.

3. Small children doing age-inappropriate things. Not like sexual or anything but for example playing with fireworks/firecrackers. Right now we are in Fallas. It's a month long festival in Valencia and firethings are super popular. As I am writing this it sounds like warfare outside. (Or what I imagine living in un barrio or ghetto would be like.) Anyways, there are like 3 year olds lighting these things everywhere! And their parents aren't even normally paying attention. Today I saw a little girl trying to light one of those that like shoots out flame and wasn't doing it the safest way. I heard her father say "Oh just let her learn." Responsible parenting.

Also, so I went to Magdalena which is a festival in Castellon last night. Everyone was hammered by the time we got therea t like 7pm (didn't leave until 7am--that's another story) and there were like kids running around! Even at like 3am! I don't understand. OR so for Fallas they have this thing called Mescletas everyday in the center at 14h and basically they just shoot off a toooon of fireworks and firecrackers. They take BABIES in strollers there. Why the hell would a little kid like loud noises?

4. The only time people are awake before 10am on the weekends is if they are coming from an overnight festival.

5. Candy stores. Literally everywhere. I am surprised there aren't more fat people.

ANYWAYS this brings me to my next point. So on Friday I was waiting for the ESN office to open so I could pay for the festival I went to last night. Got there at 1130, it was suppose to open at 11 but no it's Spain so of course it doesn't open on time. I was MISERABLY tired since I had gone out the night before so I decided to lay on a table that was outside the door. Like ten minutes later the campus security guard person tells me that I can't lay there so fine whatever I move. Then she goes on and on about how wrong it is to lay on tables and that my parents should have taught me this etc. I got written up. Yes. She took my ID and student info and wrote me up. I literally could not stop laughing. I bet if I had had a boy on top of me I wouldn't have gotten in trouble.


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