Friday, January 20, 2012

Never ever in mu'ay hol layf...

Mmkay so my life has been hectic the last few days... yesterday I regret to inform you all that I did not make it to class. I woke up at 8 30am got dressed and attempted to do my homework. I literally could not see straight and was so shaky that I couldn´t even like read. Aka I somehow woke up less sober than when I fell asleep. I looked at Meike and was like, nopppe I am going back to bed. And then proceeded to sleep till 1pm...

So WHAT did I ever do requiring me to skip class? I think it has mostly to do with the fact that we honestly NEVER sleep. We go out every single night regardless if we drink or not.

So my average day: I normally get back to my room around 2am or 3am and then get in bed like half an hour later. Then my room mate, Meike´s alarm goes off at 8am and I put mine on snooze... then once she is showered she wakes me up. Roll out of bed get dressed do my homework half asleep eat breakfast and stroll to our class ten till 9. Then 9 to 11 we have class with a five minute break at 10. We have "almuerzo" at 11 until 1130. Spaniards consider almuerzo a small mid morning meal, NOT lunch so I have a "bocadillo" (sandwich on baguette and cafe con leche). Then class again from 1130 to 1330 with a break at 1230. Normally after that I either eat la comida (the big lunch) at the university cafeteria  or go back to my apartment to cook and then go to some internet cafe for an hour or two to skype, check email, facebook, whatever (SO IF YOU WANT TO TALK TO ME LAAAYVE DO IT AROUND 230 to 430.yah i know that´s early for you.. MY TIME!) Then we normally have some activity for the afternoon or I go to the supermarket or the beach and then we all get together in someones apartment before our night activity and then go out.... and repeat.

So three nights ago, on monday we went to el Valadero twice. Once for la comida una paella gigante. Little known fact, maybe, the paella is probably the most well known dish of Spain and it actually originates in Valencia. The traditional paella Valenciana has these long green beans called judías and garrotós and with rabbit and chicken and of course lots of rice. It may have been because I was starving, but it was SO good.

We were suppose to have salsa lessons, well we did, but I am the biggest scrub and fell asleep for like three hours and slept through the class. boooooo camila. I had promised several of the boys that I would teach them... oh well we have six months.

Then we went baaack to  el Valadero for kareoke! Btwwww el Valadero is a bar that is like five minute walk from the apartments. It was funny almost all the songs that were sung were in english. I HATE singing but was forced to and chose a classic: oops I did it again by brittney spears and sung it with Laresa. I was surprised like EVERYONE sang. Oh and I had to be a background dancer for Chris singing Waka waka, except he knew NONE of the words in spansih so it was him just mumbling a slur of pretend spanish. biggest fail i have ever seen. Then after kareoke we all stayed till like 230 just dancing. OH super populat song so you should probably look it up right now: Ai Se Eu Te Pego by Michel Teló. It is in Portugese and there is a choreography and everything. And then also Danze Kuduro by Don Omar but I think that is more known in the unites states?

So then Wednesday after classes we had a beach volley ball tournament but mostly just played around on the beach. It´s like absolutely insane that we are SO close to the beach. So justina is the only one that is staying in Gandia for the entire semester which sucks because she is wonderful BUT luckily when it gets warmed we can come visit her and play on the BEACH :)

 MMKAY NOW IT GETS INTERESTING I PROMISE! I am getting to the part on why I missed classes today. I just felt I had to give some count of what I have been up to.

So one of the swedish boy, Mats, said he would cook for us a typical college dish, Pittepana which had meat potatoes and onion which we drank with red wine in these like miniature tea cups. So it kind of look like "it had already bin ate" but it was actually really good. Oh and along with the wine we had really classy supermarket brand beer.. so like genny or natty you know the real good stuff. They were 0.22 cents each which is like $0.18.

So one of the boys was late and we had already finished almost all of the wine so we put beet juice in his mini tea cup and somehow tricked him into cheersing with us and drinking it. We planned it two hours before he even got there and were already mostly drunk so we like couldn´t stop laughing. So we are really nice to each other yes? Also for some reason I tend to eat with these boys a lot and so they call themselves "feeders" since they feed me. The canadian is like, "YES we feed you to get yoo fat! zen we willl eat yoo!" I like don´t even really understand but its fine I just accept it. Oh yes so all of these festivities began at like 7pm.

 Anyways as the night goes on we started playing different games. I have some to add to your repetoire. One is like you say things.The phrase is "One frog jumps into a pond, plop" and you go around in a circle everyone saying just one word. Then once you say the entire phrase you say everything twice "Two two frogs frogs jumps jumps..etc" with everyone still only saying one word. And everytime you mess up you drink.

I also taught them never have I ever which is where the title of this post comes. The variations of what people said (and keep in mind EVERYONE has some sort of accent)Ñ
-Never ever in ma hol lyf have I...
-Ever ever have I...
-No I never have...

I would just chuckle as we went around. Always fun to play with a group of people you don´t know too too well...

Then MY favoooorite game is this one I think the video is working? But it is like a pattern and you have to go faster and faster each time. Jean-Luc LOVES these kinds of games where if you mess up you drink. So if you mess up the pattern you drink OR if your beer begins to foam. So you must use bottles. Just watch it and you will be able to see what the pattern is. I am bringing this back to the Tech, don´t even worry.

We went out to el Valadero for Mojitos and Agua Valenciana but mostly dance. So I have decided that the reason European, specifically Spanish people, aren´t fat even though they eat like 5 times a day is because when we go to bars we literally dance for HOURS nonstop. There were these random guys that we didn´t know that would  begin encircling our group and then like grab a girl. Seriously like animals hunting their prey. And then they would ask you if you had a boyfriend. There was this old man that was HAMMERED that kept grabbing my hand and introducing me to his old friends. He was like the size of my mother and I couldn´t understand what he was slurring and my friends thought it was hilarious.It´s fine though because as soon as I would point at one of the boys and tell them I had a novio they would then approach that boy. It was all very entertaining. Sorry there was no AHP... I got back at 330 am and just ptfo. Woke up the next morning and, like I said, did not go to class.

P.S. whenever you go to Europe don´t buy drinks at bars. They are SO expensive. Just play tons beforehand and enjoy the music and dance with your friends :)

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