Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Spanish Tapas at Los Bestias (AHP1)

In our apartment we are suppose to have internet but it doesn´t work.... I do however have my blackburry with me so last night in my silly state I decided to write it on my phone... I am gonna to type it just as I did. Blackberry keyboards are like really small and I struggle typing normally. So if I remember I will do this when I get back from going out to explain the spirit of the night if that makes sense... so in the title of the post it´s gonna be AHP (after hours post) and the number so its sneaky.. you SNEAKY maaam.

background story first: we went for Spanish tapas last night at like 8 but first we got together in one of the apartments to drink beforehand and hang out. I am proud to say that I have proven myself as an American. We did shots of vodka and they pour like a triple saying ¨In Yurup diz iz size of shots!¨ My Austrian friend, Kris, told me that I proved myself worthy. I am now an honorary European :) However I have to practice on smiling without teeth. Notice in the picture that SOME of them do smile with teeth though..

Can´t even say how useful the wine opener has been...

Also, the beer we were drinking is called Mahou and so every so often we just yell MAHOOOOOU. It was entertaining.

Any ways we left the apartment short after 8 and walked what seemed forever to the restaurant we were going to. We went to this place called Los Bestias for traditional spanish tapas. The first thing they brought us was the Sangria. The restaurant was SO loud you literally could not hear anything without yelling. I was trying to explain to my friend Pele what sororities were and how they work. It´s funny how stereotypical Europeans think of Greek life. I tried to explain but I don´t think I got very far haha

Interesting choice of shirt.

We were literally at the restaurant for like 3 hours. They took a loooong time in between tapas and unfortunately I was full after the first one because I ate so much beer. There was a singer slash entertainer that was from Argentina. He was asking where we were all for (well YELLING since it was so loud, and he had a mike). He recognized that my Spanish was Latin american so I told him my family is from Venezuela. Worst. Mistake. Ever. Literally the rest of the night he kept calling me out ¨AY VENEZUELA!¨ He like really wanted me to sing but we all know that is not a talent I have. He got all of the other students to like cheer for me to get out of my chair and I told him I would dance. So he put on some musica latina and then this Swedish guy named Karl decided to jump on up out of his seat to dance with me. He was suprisingly good. But now everyone that was at the dinner knows who I am... Today I got called Venezuela like five times...

So only one Sangria per table was included for dinner. But don´t worry, we literally ordered 6 more.

After dinner, which ended at like 11, we all walked some more to this bar. So here´s thing, I really wasn´t THAT drunk but I was making the biggest mess. I accidentally knocked down a bottle from the bar and then a table because it wasn´t a real table just a board on a block which I did not realize. Haha as Kris said ¨This Amuerikan gurl is trying to distroy Europe starting with diz bar in Gandia!¨ So for the sake of me not wrecking the place I left at like 1am with a large group. Apparently people stayed till like 3 am. It was really funny though, all the music they played was like music that was popular in the US like three years ago. A lot of Rhianna.

OH and this is a video that I took at the restaurant. So you can get a FEEL for what the atmosphere was.

AHP    (1 45 AM)                                                              
danced in front of everyonne. With karl? Only in eurooe once abd I mus conquer it. Broke the table with my legs. Filip* hayes me. And sergio*. Annnd idk whay the third* is. Gotta lesarn to drink classy. Outta a wine bottle not good according to markus. Voops zo gurmun. Classy cameeela out. Its almosyt 2am local time. How am I suppose to not go to a discoteca till 330am? And rhianna is hot shit here. Lykz songs from long ago. And don´t break bottles at bars they will hate you.
Ps nom nom nom baguettes make for a very good grilled cheese in the microwave. So I am forcing myself to write this port mordem slash post happening exactly how I wrote it at the moment the next day. No internet in our room (mañana mañana) prevents me from posting live thoughts. I siiiink people aur getting rowdy up in mah ruff. Nmmkay naight murica.

*I am referring to the guys in charge of the social things for the international students.  They don´t really hate me I was just like destroying things.

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